
Kotahitanga – Social Service Provider Meet-up twice a term at Flourish

Creating connected and compassionate communities who collaborate, consult and communicate.


Kotaitanga is a Flourish Taranaki initiative to create easier and more effective access to services for whanau, and to provide increased support for social service providers and referring agencies through connection and shared information.

We host regular meet-ups for social service providers in Taranaki.


This will involve a quarterly gathering of social service providers and referring agencies to share information and raise awareness of services in the community, or simply to listen and gather information to take away.


All social service providers who align with the Flourish vision are welcome.

Our next meet-up Monday 20th MAY 2024 12 – 2pm – Topic – Rainbow Parenting – For anyone that works with Whanau in the Rainbow community.

Cost Currently FREE – invitation to offer a kawhe (coffee) koha to support more meet-ups at Flourish.


Please click the ‘stay connected’ button below to sign up to the Kotahitanga database and you will receive details of the time and date for the next meet up. Or Email carla for more info.


Stay Connected

For all enquries please email:

Come and visit us - we’re upstairs at the New Plymouth Raceway above the TRFU gym.

1 Rogan Street, New Plymouth.

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