
Circle of Security

Circle of Security Parenting (COSP®) is an evidenced based and internationally acclaimed early intervention programme designed to enhance attachment security between parents/caregivers and children.

Course outline

Parents/Caregivers will learn to:

  • Build a secure base/safe-haven relationship with your child
  • Shift focus from behavioural management to enhancing the quality of the relationship with your child
  • The skill of self-reflection
  • Video examples will help to support increased empathy in Parents/Caregivers for your child
  • Identify new options to manage emotions
  • Step-by-step approaches for promoting secure attachment in your children
  • How to support your child’s emotional needs


1.5 hour parenting education sessions over 8 weeks with DVD/discussion/reflection programme.

Aimed at Parents/Caregivers of children aged 0-4 years.

Facilitated by Sally Phillips and Carolyn Ravek.

Contact us at Flourish on to find out when this course will next be held in Taranaki.

Stay Connected

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Come and visit us - we’re upstairs at the New Plymouth Raceway above the TRFU gym.

1 Rogan Street, New Plymouth.

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